America's Top 10 Party Schools

Top Party Schools 

So, you are finally here, and we have got something exciting for you here; our team of experts has finally released its latest 2021 ranking of the Top Party Schools. 

Our list is based on a survey of over 150,000 students of last year's Top 20 Party Schools and some of the world’s most eminent universities. We got views of students from different departments like Business, Marketing, Arts, Design, Science, Humanities, and  Law, we evaluated their facts and came up with this list. 

We have created our list based on. Madness, how comfortable is everyone, Music, Yummy  Food and, Lots of liquor. 

A school with good academics and diverse programs is not complete without an active social life; schools that want to achieve incredible scholastic feats always find a way to integrate an extraordinary social life into their daily activities. According to various studies, a student’s social life is an essential tool in his/her personality development. 

Research shows that students with steady campus life are likely to express themselves better. But a stable campus life involves extracurricular activities, active involvement in sports, good social life, and academics.

What exactly is a Party School? 

A party school is an institute (mostly in the USA) with an image for celebrating heavy alcohol and drug use. One can also define it as a school with a general carnal culture at the cost of educational integrity. 

Reasons College students party? 

  • To make new friends and get to know one’s classmates on a more personal level.
  • To socialize and get out of your comfort zone to express yourself. 
  • Meet a different group of people and learn not to look down on students who party.
  • Expand your horizons and try new things at a party you usually would not talk about.
  • While trying new things, you can also learn how to say “No” to some things against your principles.
  • One can learn more about what exactly they like and hate. This helps individuals also to know their limits. 
  • Build a valuable charisma that you can use in your lifetime 
  • To become mentally stronger, accepting, and confident and, 
  • Obliviously drinking is fun; you can relax, release your stress, dance out and, make great memories. 

List of the top college party schools in the world 

Our selection also includes useful government sources, student surveys, interviews, and editorial reviews. 

10. The University of Rhode Island

Acceptance rate: 75%

Net Price: $20,000

SAT Range: 1050-1240

A public research college based in Kingston, Rhode Island. Also, this institution’s main campus is in the village of Kingston in southern Rhode Island. Moreover, with an acceptance rate of 73% and a graduation rate of 59%.

9. Bucknell University 

Acceptance rate: 34%

Net Price: $39,000

SAT Range: 1250-1420

A private liberal arts college in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.  

Only 4,000 students attend this party school, they have a House Party weekend tradition,  where several house parties are held. In 2013, when the school’s management canceled House Party Weekend, students kept on partying by moving off-campus. 

8. Wake Forest University 

Acceptance rate: 44%

Net Price: $43,111

SAT Range: 1180-1380

A private research university in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, which was founded in 1834. This university got its name from its original location in Wake Forest, north of Raleigh, North  Carolina. The students throw many house parties throughout the year. 

Besides, Wake Forest University has an acceptance rate of 30% and a graduation rate of  88%. Similarly, the student-faculty ratio is 10:1 

7. Colgate University

Acceptance rate: 23%

Net Price: 26,000$

SAT Range: Average SAT of 1415

A private liberal arts college in Hamilton, which was established in 1819. Generally, Colgate University admits approximately 3,000 students in 56 undergraduate majors culminating in a Bachelor of Arts degree. 

University provides students a chance to play as hard as they work. Also, many students about one-third in a community or sorority. Many of Hamilton’s bars are located near the campus on Lebanon Street. 

6. University of California, Santa Barbara 

Acceptance rate: 30%

Net Price: $16,767

SAT Range: 1230-1480

The University of California is a public research college. The Life of the Party group at UC  Santa Barbara promotes accountable in-take of liquor and openly talks about students. 

This college always comes under the top-ranked party school. The party scene includes activities like Deltopia and a weekend-long street party for their residents. 

Many students also hang out at local bars and pubs in downtown Santa Barbara, visit The  Loft, or enjoy concerts at the UC San Diego Box Office.

5. Tulane University

Acceptance rate: 13%
Net Price: $40,783
SAT Range: 1360-1520

A private research university in New Orleans, Louisiana. In 1834, Tulane University was established as a public medical college and transformed into a comprehensive university in  1847. 

Here, campus life is fantastic, including parties’ concerts and following insane football games each fall. The surrounding bars, clubs, restaurants, and pubs around the college give students access to many places to socialize and get drunk. 

4. West Virginia University 

Acceptance rate: 84%

Net Price: $12,743

SAT Range: 1030-1230

West Virginia University was a public, space-funded, land-generated, research-intensive university founded in 1867. 

The nightlife is excellent, bar community of Morgantown gives various opportunities to party. Many students here enjoy football games; their tradition of excessive drinking by couch burning has been going on for a decade. 

The party scene also involves extravagant St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, concerts, and athletics-funded happy hour. 

3. The University of Delaware 

Acceptance rate: 71%

Net Price: $17,539

SAT Range: 1160-1350

A public research university situated in Newark, Delaware that was founded in 1743. The largest university in Delaware and presently offers three associate’s programs, 148  bachelor’s programs, 121 master’s programs, and 55 doctoral programs. 

The Barn in college serves beer and gives an excellent place to chill and relax for. Students spend hours listening to music and partying before the football game. The Greek life at this top-ranked party school involves many house parties and St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. 

2. The University of Alabama 

Acceptance rate: 83%

Net Price: $20,623

SAT Range: 1080-1340

A public research institute in Tuscaloosa, Alabama founded in 1820. One of the oldest and leading public universities in Alabama

Popularly known as Crimson Tide athletic events, this top party school involves extravagant partying. Exclusive football games attract many fans who come to enjoy music, beer, and music.

1. Syracuse University 

Acceptance rate: 44%
Net Price: $43,111
SAT Range: 1180-1380

A private research college based in Syracuse, New York that was founded in 1831. Though,  this top party school’s roots can be traced back to the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. 

This university has plenty of bars, clubs, and the crazy party scene in the world. The top  party schools in the world have an acceptance rate of 52% with a graduation rate of 80% 


School parties are great if you are an outgoing person, a leading party school can give you a prospect for many significant events, from sporting games to Greek life. Also, it can help individuals to incorporate themselves into the beating pulse of the campus. The school parties release your stress, change your perspective, and make you a more open-minded individual. 

After All, if you want a career in Hollywood, Event management, or entertainment, getting into these top-ranked party schools can offer you a beautiful experience beyond any school book.

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