Know About Popular Culture Degree Program

On the face of it, you may think this article is about what's hip and in. But no, it's not. It's actually about a new study course and favors young students looking to explore new ground.

The Popular Culture study program is all about reviewing current trends with a multidimensional outlook. Content in various media like television, cinema, music, social media, gaming, sports, etc., is examined to arrive at a better understanding of what's going on in the social world. 

Advertising is another significant influence on people's lives. What people choose to buy is dictated mainly by what appeals to them. Such a study program becomes all the more relevant in the present scenario where social media plays a vital role in influencing our lives.

Historically, Popular Culture gets devised as a study program to better understand how people live and their experiences, irrespective of which strata of society they belong to. 

Many universities offer a minor in Popular Culture where you can take limited credit hours, which you will use to fulfill the university's General Education requirements. A few colleges offer major study programs to enable students to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree and, after that, even a Master's degree in Popular Culture.

What's the intent of the Pop Culture Degree program?

  • To offer a strong foundation in studying popular culture from different points of view like Art History, English, Film Studies, Folk Studies and Anthropology, History, Journalism and Broadcast Communications, Philosophy and Religion, Political Science, and Sociology
  • To prepare students to understand the interrelation between everyday popular culture and cultural forms that are usually studied only in the liberal arts programs
  • To make students competent to be well-informed consumers and become active participants in the global community, especially in present times where cultural industries more or less dictate the international social, political, and economic landscape

What are the criteria to apply for a Popular Culture degree?

The criteria to apply for an undergraduate program in Popular Culture are:

  • High school syllabus/coursework
  • A good GPA in high school
  • Good ACT or SAT scores
  • A good TOEFL score

What Pop Culture Coursework Includes?

Ideally, the school coursework should include English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, a foreign language, and visual or performing arts. Financial aid in this study program will be available if you choose to major in Popular Culture. While need-based scholarships will be available, there will be other financial assistance options available too.

Where can you find career opportunities after graduating?

After graduating in Popular Culture, some of the fields you can opt to work in are:

  • Journalism
  • Mass Media
  • Advertising
  • Public relations
  • Teaching
  • Cultural Events Planning
  • Market Research
  • Museum

Which college provides a Pop Culture degree?

Some of the colleges that offer programs in Popular Culture are:

Bowling Green State University

Founded in 1910, Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. One of the few universities which have a department of popular culture. The college provides both graduate and undergraduate degrees in popular culture. 

This degree is in music, film, television, folklore, and literature, and there are also courses focusing on research and analysis of pop culture and its social influence. 

Western Kentucky University

Founded in 1906, Western Kentucky University is in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The college provides an undergraduate degree in popular culture. The degree gives a deep knowledge of the arts and culture of everyday life and its various uses and purposes.


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